Monday, December 21, 2009

No school!

We got 18 inches of snow. Yup, that's right, be jealous. There was no school today and there isn't going to be tomorrow, crossing my fingers for Wednesday! It's extremely lucky, especially because I have a Math IB Portfolio and a Government test that I have no idea about the topic... :D Wednesday off would make it the best Christmas vacation ever.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

SO so stressed....

So, I am super stressed, especially about (1) english multitasking (essay, 40 minute presentation, and raisin in the sun read and test) and (2) my grade in math.

Here are my grades:

  1. 90.6 - A
  2. 90 - A
  3. 96.3 - A
  4. 88.1 - B
  5. 75.8 - C
  6. 100 - A
  7. 84.4 - B
Ugh, well I got a C on the Barbie project and an E on the matrix portfolio

FML. Major FML.

Oh yeah, hopefully it'll ice storm tonight, because then they'll be a 2-hour delay/no school tomorrow, which would be SO beastly, you can't even imagine! Well, one, I have two tests tomorrow, and two, my 40 minute lecture is friday so it would be pushed back to monday!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is it really the 3rd?

  1. Today, it was proved that I (or everyone) is smarter than M. Giblin. So in the workbook, it said that "one was telling Marcelle what was new". Then comes the question "Samantha and I are going to be having dinner." He said that you have to use the subject "us", but: "one was telling Marcelle what was new." So, "I" wasn't Marcelle, it was one. So it would be "you all". (I am translating everything from french to english ;) )
  2. We're reading "A Tempest" by Aime Cesaire. It's cool.
  3. I had writer's block today. So instead, I made a chart and assigned letters different notes. And I used the text "Hello, my name is Joe. I have a house, 3 kids, and 1 spouse.... etc.
  4. Today, Lara answered a question like in Jeopardy. Hahahahahaaa...
  5. cain fell asleep again in class, Ariel continues to stare at Errin, and the clouds were BEAUTIFUL outside. We were doing something with calculators, but I didn't have my calculator, so...
  6. Badminton. I'm actually getting pretty good :)
  7. Quiz tomorrow, on reproduction (*snicker*). Mostly asexual reproduction. I'm gonna have to really study, not.
That my "exiting" day. Yesterday was really good, but after ups, there's always a down. And that was today.